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Kim’s Blogs

This I Know

Know- 1-to be sure of or have facts about,2- to be aware of; realize, 3-to have in one's mind, 4- to be acquainted with, 5-to recognize, 6-to be able to tell the difference in. When Holt Rowland was almost fifteen years old, he had the opportunity to travel to a...

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Things to Come

New Year's Resolutions. I usually don't make them.  I find that I just don't ever stick to what I promised, but this year it was going to be a different story. This year, 2013, I decided that I wouldn't push myself too much. I would make it easy and try just one...

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God’s Favor

A couple of weeks ago I was teaching a Bible story to the kids in my Sunday night class at church. The story was about the angel, Gabriel, coming to tell Mary that she was going to have baby Jesus.  As I was preparing to tell the story, I read Gabriel's words to Mary...

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Great Power, Great Responsibility

If I had to choose a favorite superhero, I would choose Spiderman. I know, I know, his outfit could use some updating, but it does have a cool, big spider on the front. I think it is also neat how Spiderman can shoot his sticky web out to a nearby building and use it...

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A House Temporarily Divided

I know you have seen the car tag with the words..."A House Divided" and two different college teams represented on each side. Yep, we have one of those tags. Our tag has a big "A" on one side and a big "G" on the other. That is our house.....divided. I would like to...

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Giving Thanks for Hope

One of my students asked me what "Black Friday" is all about. As I answered his question, I found myself thinking that "Black Thursday" is a more appropriate term if you have a loved one missing from your celebration on Thanksgiving. I try not to let my mind linger on...

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