New Year’s Resolutions. I usually don’t make them.  I find that I just don’t ever stick to what I promised, but this year it was going to be a different story. This year, 2013, I decided that I wouldn’t push myself too much. I would make it easy and try just one resolution that would be easy to keep. Nothing crazy like drinking twelve glasses of water a day or promising to work out for two hours every afternoon. I would make one simple resolution that I would want to keep, something I would like to do, and stick with it. This year things would be different. This year I would be sure to conquer the bad habit of resolution breaking.

What was my one, easy, sure to keep resolution, you ask?….My resolution: To write my blog more often.  Yes, you read that correctly. To make a point to sit down and write The Holt Rowland Foundation blog more often.

Yes, I made that promise at the end of December 2012….

Yes, it is now January 15, 2013….

Yes, I know that January is almost half way over.

Yes, this would be my first post for the new year…..

And yes, I do realize that I still STINK at keeping resolutions!!!!

Since I made my one, easy, sure to keep resolution, I have had the hardest time sitting down to write, but I assure you, I am not going to let this resolution thing beat me!

Some people are successful with keeping resolutions and others start the new year with a special word that helps direct their thoughts. Well, I may not be a “resolution person” or a “one word person,” but  its like God knew exactly what I needed for encouragement in this new year, and he sent it to me. During a church service right before New Year’s we were singing a song and three words in the lyrics of the song  just spoke to me. I can’t even tell you the exact name of the song but three little words filled my heart with excitement and hope at what would normally be a sad time of year. The simple words were: “Things to Come.”

The song which was about God’s love for his children and the promise of heaven was wonderful, but those three little words made me realize that it is the future that holds so much more than the past. The future…. is full of excitement and wonder. The future… is full of God’s assurance and grace. The future…. means family members will be reunited again. The future… full of only smiles. The future….includes meeting Jesus. The future…..also includes Holt Rowland and getting all the hugs and kisses he owes me, and all those thoughts make me very, very happy.

I also began thinking about how God could use our small foundation in the future to leave a mark for good. How amazing it is that we even have a foundation, and how we have already been blessed by people and in return we have been able to bless others. God began to fill my heart with the hope that he could do great things through The Holt Rowland Foundation and how he still uses Holt’s life every single day. No”thing to come” is too impossible for God; he is in the impossible to possible business!!

“Things to come”……I like the sound of that. So, when I need motivation for the new year, I think about those three little words, and I thank God that he reminded me that I have so many things to look forward to this year and beyond.

However, this does not mean that I am proclaiming to be better with my resolution keeping, but I am not giving up yet. It is still my intention to blog more often and let you know what God is doing in and through our foundation, but be aware, the next time you hear from me it could be around Valentine’s Day!   😉