If I had to choose a favorite superhero, I would choose Spiderman. I know, I know, his outfit could use some updating, but it does have a cool, big spider on the front. I think it is also neat how Spiderman can shoot his sticky web out to a nearby building and use it to travel over traffic and people so easily, especially when he is moving through a big crowded city.(Wish I could do that when I am shopping in Atlanta.) Despite all the cool traveling and fighting skills that Spidey possesses, what I like best about him is that behind the mask he is just a plain, ordinary guy with a cool story.

Spiderman is really a regular guy named Peter Parker. Peter is nobody special or flashy, and he is often overlooked by people who take his plain outward appearance for granted.  Peter is kind, humble, and rather quiet, but when evil comes a knocking, Peter rises to the challenge and puts his special skills to use for good.I love the quote from the 2002 Spiderman movie where Uncle Ben tells Peter, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Peter remembers this advice as he fights against evil. This great responsibility forces Peter to make tough choices in life as he tries to protect the people that he loves most. Although he has been given a strange story of being bitten by a rare spider, he uses his odd story and great power for good, not evil. He takes his responsibility seriously. I think that is the biggest reason why Spiderman is my favorite.

Now, I’m certainly NOT a superhero, but I do take the responsibility of writing the blog for The Holt Rowland Foundation seriously. See, I could use this blog to rant about things that bug me. I could tell you stories that are interesting but frustrating. Stories about topics that stir feelings of resentment or bitterness. Stories that include things in this world like people who use power for personal agendas, selfishness, and greed. People who choose to use power for evil instead of good. There are days that I refrain from writing our blog because I would tell you those kind of stories and that, in my opinion, would be a misuse of power. I mean you could watch the news and hear those kind of stories. Stories of the harmful effects of drugs and violence and the sad results of  hatred and sin. Sadly, those discouraging stories lead the news  in our world. Those stories are all around us…..everywhere.

You certainly don’t need another person “talking” about the things that are wrong with our world. If you’re like me you need more stories about people, kinda like Peter Parker, who use great power the right way and for the right reasons. So, I am choosing to only tell you stories that make you think about the good things in life. Stories that bring a smile to your face or a joyful tear to your eye at times. I choose to focus on stories that remind you about who is really driving the plane. Stories that stir feelings of hope and encouragement in situations that seem hopeless. Stories that God wants me to share about my family, my story, and my life. Stories that hopefully inspire instead of agitate. True stories of amazing things God has done through our journey. Stories about Holt. Stories about leaving a mark for good.

God has given each one of us a powerful story to tell. Trust your story no matter how tragic or ordinary it might appear. Let’s help superheroes everywhere fight the battle against evil in this world by choosing to use our stories the right way. With great power comes great responsibility, and I just know that Spiderman appreciates all the help he can get.