Possum Stew

Last weekend a friend and I went to Atlanta for a day trip. Yes, you read that right….a day trip. A day trip to Atlanta involves leaving home very early in the morning before the sun rises and getting back home very late way after the sun has set. That kind of...

This I Know Too

A friend recently asked me what I thought Holt would say about our blog and the posts I write about him. At first, I immediately thought about how very humbled and  honored he would be to know that people take time to read these posts. Without a doubt he would be very...

This I Know

Know- 1-to be sure of or have facts about,2- to be aware of; realize, 3-to have in one’s mind, 4- to be acquainted with, 5-to recognize, 6-to be able to tell the difference in. When Holt Rowland was almost fifteen years old, he had the opportunity to travel to a...

Things to Come

New Year’s Resolutions. I usually don’t make them.  I find that I just don’t ever stick to what I promised, but this year it was going to be a different story. This year, 2013, I decided that I wouldn’t push myself too much. I would make it...

God’s Favor

A couple of weeks ago I was teaching a Bible story to the kids in my Sunday night class at church. The story was about the angel, Gabriel, coming to tell Mary that she was going to have baby Jesus.  As I was preparing to tell the story, I read Gabriel’s words to...