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Kim’s Blogs
Who’s flying your plane?
It's been another busy week with people consumed with talk about our world and the future. I try to stay away from watching the news during weeks like this because it is so easy for me to feel anxious just listening to the news reporters. My personality is one...
Man’s Plans
The Holt Rowland Foundation blog is back! I never really intended to take a break; that was never my plan. You know how it is. You make a plan and you like to follow it, right? I like plans. Plans are thought out and structured and organized and devised for a reason....
Thank You
Today is October 6, 2012. Today we held our first The Holt Rowland Foundation Golf Tournament. Today was a good day. Today was a day full of nice weather, kind people, and sweet smiles. Thank you to our many hole sponsors, players, and volunteers. Today, God used each...
That’s Pretty Cool
Just call me "Midnight Writer." It will be after midnight by the time I add this post to our blog. I just had to write again this week because my earlier post might have left you downhearted, and I just couldn't leave you that way. I've got to now add, as Paul Harvey...
Leaving a Mark for Good
You ever had one of those days where you feel like your walking around minding your own business and suddenly, without fair warning, somebody just walks up right behind you, without you even noticing it, and pops your balloon? Not an actual real balloon in your...
Five Smooth Stones
I don't know about you, but I am glad this past week is over. Just seems like it has been a very busy week, and I have faced one problem after another. One of those weeks where nothing seems to work out right or go as planned. Not that one major thing happened, just...
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