Just call me “Midnight Writer.” It will be after midnight by the time I add this post to our blog. I just had to write again this week because my earlier post might have left you downhearted, and I just couldn’t leave you that way. I’ve got to now add, as Paul Harvey would say…”the rest of the story.”

As I explained in my last post how my balloon got popped and my feelings got hurt when the lady was talking about Holt’s fingerprint. The comments the lady made didn’t sit too well with my design department either. Do you really have a design department, you ask? No, but I do have a sweet friend named Jodi Shaheen who is my logo designer. (I have just created this title for her.) Jodi is currently serving the Lord in the Dominican Republic with her husband, Mike, and their two children, Grace and Wyman. Mike is a missionary through FCA, and Jodi and Mike met Holt through an FCA mission trip when he went to the Dominican in the summer of 2010 with a group from Pierce County. Mike was the former head baseball coach at Wesleyan in Atlanta. He gave up that job to serve the Lord full time in the Dominican, and Holt thought that decision was “pretty cool.”  Mike and Jodi are now teaching people, especially young men, that real hope in the future cannot be found in a sport but can only be found in Jesus Christ. I admire their dedication and willingness to sacrifice so much to follow God’s leading. That is pretty cool to me too.

Jodi is very creative, and she majored in design in college. You see, God started preparing her to work with The Holt Rowland Foundation long before she ever knew of Holt Rowland. God has used her creative skills to design and her great eye to capture amazing photographs. She is also the one responsible for the new video link we added to the website. Jodi put together that video to share Holt’s testimony with people in the Dominican and here. I can certainly say that God has used her skills and talents to bless our family and others in many ways.

Jodi emailed me after my last blog was posted and she told me that she had developed a new logo with an even more defined Holt Rowland fingerprint, oh yes she did! She sent it to me Wed. morning and it looked great. What Jodi didn’t know at that time was that on Wed. I needed to email a copy of Holt’s print for a t-shirt I was trying to design. She had no idea that I needed to send the design that day so some of the shirts could be printed before the golf tournament. Jodi didn’t know, but God did. The lady who hurt my feelings didn’t know, but God did. I didn’t know, but God did. God used Jodi, and we got a new logo with a defined print in time to forward it to the t-shirt people and there you have it…..Another good thing that came from a bad situation! God working it for good. I just love it when that happens.

We now we have an even more defined fingerprint logo and a cool t-shirt….because Jodi used her talents and skills. Because she obeyed when God led. Because I was sad. Because my balloon was popped. Because I have a blog to write about it. Because my sister has prior skills to design a website. Because we have a foundation. Because Dr. Stanley Jones had an idea to honor a special life. Because God made Holt Rowland so special. Because God has a bigger plan!  Now that really is “pretty cool.

Well, this “Past Midnight Writer” is pooped. You have a good day today and look for ways that God might be using you. Don’t forget, you’re part of that bigger plan too. Yep, I know, that is pretty cool. 🙂