Today is October 6, 2012. Today we held our first The Holt Rowland Foundation Golf Tournament. Today was a good day. Today was a day full of nice weather, kind people, and sweet smiles. Thank you to our many hole sponsors, players, and volunteers. Today, God used each of you to bless this foundation and the Rowland family more than you will ever know.

To those kind people and businesses who paid to sponsor a hole or pay for a team, Thank you. To those teams of players who played in the tournament, Thank you. To those who dropped by to show your support, Thank you. To those who had a late, late night and still got up early to play golf, Thank you. To our friends Thomas Pirkle and Gary Huff and the awesome Bubba Burger Company, Thank you. To friends who sacrificed their time and sleep in order to volunteer, Thank you. To people who have prayed for this foundation and tournament, Thank you. To people who gave a donation even though they couldn’t play, Thank you. To businesses and friends who helped by supplying food, drinks, and door prizes, Thank you. To our wonderful board members who have worked behind the scenes for months to get everything organized and prepared, Thank you. To our tournament photographer and his assistant, Thank you. To Holt’s friends: Morgan Meadows, Taylor Meadows, Trey Tiller, Tim Huff, Emilie Tanner, Sam Morton, and Brian Barefield who came home from college this weekend to help out or play, Thank you. To those who read this blog, Thank you. To those of you who love and still think about Holt, Thank you.

If I had a dollar for every time Holt Rowland has asked me to do a favor for him, I would be a rich girl. “Mama, will you do me a favor?” he’d say. As usual I would do whatever he asked because that’s what mamas do; we do favors for our kids. It never failed that when Holt asked for a favor and I did it,  he would always thank me. “Thank you, Mama,” he’d say and then plant a kiss on my cheek. Of course the kiss was just a little insurance that I would keep on doing favors the next time he asked. That Holt Rowland, he’s no dummy. Those kisses sealed the deal.

Today, October 6, 2012, I’m doing another favor for Holt Rowland because I know he would be asking. I know he would want me to say thank you for him. Thank you for everything I’ve listed above and the many things and people I know I have forgotten. He would be so humbled by the kindness shown to our family and support of this foundation. Thank you for making a difference.  Thank you from Holt.

Now, whether you realize it or not, I’ve got another kiss on the cheek to look forward to.