I have heard some amazing stories of supernatural strength. Stories of regular people caught in tragic situations when they, all of a sudden, had a rush of supernatural strength that allowed them to do some unbelievable things. Things like  lifting an automobile when a loved one was trapped underneath, single handedly breaking down a locked door to rescue someone inside, or rushing through a raging fire without thinking of the risk when others were in danger. When these people who experienced a rush of strength were interviewed after their great acts of heroism, they could not explain how they were able to physically do some of the things that they did. Their amazing strength appeared to be supernatural and simply birthed from a gut instinct to help someone in a crisis situation.

I’m sure some people would make the explanation of these supernatural acts of strength in a very scientific way by saying that our nervous system has a way of helping our muscular system do some extraordinary things when we are scared or overly excited. It’s true, our bodies are made to react in amazing ways that is often hard to comprehend.  But despite how the feat was accomplished, I believe that those who have experienced supernatural strength really do not care how they did the amazing feat, they are just grateful that they did. Grateful that they were able to help or to save someone, especially when that someone was a family member.

Sometimes these people, who have shown supernatural strength, become quite a celebrity as they experience their “15 minutes of fame.” I am sure that all the fanfare is well deserved, but I just believe that there are many more people who experience supernatural strength every single day that we never hear about. Strength that is not as obvious, but just as powerful. Maybe they don’t lift cars and break down doors; they simply rely on their faith in God to move mountains.

I know people, and so do you, who have faced some pretty tough obstacles in life. People who were minding their own business when life threw them a curve ball and knocked them right off their feet. People who, despite their circumstances, get up each and every day and face obstacles that seem immovable, unchanging, and set in concrete. People who are in situations that look hopeless and discouraging; yet, they keep on praying for guidance and supernatural strength to get them through. Strength that only comes from the one who gives all strength….”The Giver of Life.”

I have felt that supernatural strength. Maybe I didn’t accomplish some great act of heroism, but I have faced some pretty heavy obstacles and overcome them with a strength that I cannot explain. Times when I was simply without energy to move, I have been overwhelmed with the ability to get up and go a little farther. Strength to dig a little deeper and face another day. I can’t explain how, when I finally give up on my own strength, I am then fully strengthened. When I say, “God, I am completely empty” that He can then completely fill me up. No scientist can explain how when one is so very “life-less,” they can then experience the feeling of “real life.”

I can only tell you that no real “supernatural feat” is as extraordinary as the feats done through faith in God. The same supernatural strength that brought dead men to life and made blind men see; that healed lepers, and changed  hard hearts of stone is available to those who put their trust in God. The power that turned bodies of water into pure blood through Moses’ staff and made the sea part and turn into dry land. The power that brought rain for forty days and then stopped it on His command. The power that made a field of dry bones come to life and then gave them the strength and the might of a fortified army……that kind of supernatural power is available to us when we need it.

I believe supernatural strength is still exhibited in people today. People who rely solely on their faith in God. People who claim God’s power to work in their lives. Power to heal; power to save; power to change. In homes, in hospitals, in workplaces all over the world, where it is invited, God’s supernatural strength can appear. Through prayer, through healing, through confidence in one much greater than anything in this world. I just believe it. No, I just KNOW it.

There are so many times every single day that people witness God’s supernatural strength at work without realizing it. A mother who prays diligently for healing. A man who chooses to be faithful to his wife. A lifeless marriage put back together again.  A life that appears ruined by drugs is given another chance to become a success story of faith. Stories of supernatural strength are all around us. I know that God still works in situations that appear hopeless. There is no such thing as people being too far gone, not in God’s story. The worst case scenarios make the best settings for supernatural strength to occur. It has been proven in the Bible time and time again, and I know it is still proven today.

If you feel like giving up on yourself, please don’t give up on God. He has the power to change. He has supernatural strength that He desires to share. His “15 minutes of fame” will never end, and he is more than willing to be your hero.