Hanging by a Thread

During the month of April some students at school were selling “wish bracelets” as a fundraiser for Austin King.  Austin is a very courageous Pierce County High School student who has been battling cancer for the past several months. A “wish...

The Holton

Summer break is here, and I recently spent a few days at the beach with my family. Every time I go to the beach, I think about all the vacations we have taken there with our boys as they were growing up. In the last several years, our beach vacations have been in...

Jumping Hurdles

I have a hidden talent, and you probably do too. I’m great at jumping hurdles. Now, I know what you are thinking. Hurdles?…really?  I’m not talking about the Olympic track and field kind of hurdle or the obvious, tall, “better raise that back...


I have always been fearful of stumbling upon a hidden bed of quicksand. I know, I know. You don’t hear a lot of stories about people in the South sinking in quicksand very often. And, yes, I did grow up in the South. I really don’t know how this unfounded...

Connecting Dots

Do you ever think of life as a puzzle?  I know I sometimes do. Like one of those puzzles where you have to connect the dots to be able to see the picture clearly. When I was a kid, I liked to complete dot to dot puzzles. I especially liked the puzzles that had all the...

Real Strength

I have heard some amazing stories of supernatural strength. Stories of regular people caught in tragic situations when they, all of a sudden, had a rush of supernatural strength that allowed them to do some unbelievable things. Things like  lifting an automobile when...