by Kim Rowland | Apr 2, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
I have heard some amazing stories of supernatural strength. Stories of regular people caught in tragic situations when they, all of a sudden, had a rush of supernatural strength that allowed them to do some unbelievable things. Things likeĀ lifting an automobile when...
by Kim Rowland | Mar 31, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
Years ago I had a jewelry party. You probably know how it works, the more jewelry sold at your party, the more “free” merchandise you qualify to receive as a hostess gift. The only catch…. I had to pay the taxes for the free stuff and the cost of...
by Kim Rowland | Mar 23, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
Around our house, no matter the time of year, you could find sports on the television because Holt Rowland is a “sports fanatic.” I guess he really could not help it. When he was born the television in the delivery room had been playing the same episode of...
by Kim Rowland | Mar 9, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
Sometimes I hear voices…. Voices all around me, and I am not talking about my students. You know those dozens of voices that you hear from all sorts of places? Voices telling me what to do and what not to do. What to wear and what not to wear. How to act and how...
by Kim Rowland | Feb 24, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
November 8, 2010 was the last “normal” day in the Rowland household. Looking back there was not a lot special about that day. It was a Monday, and it started out like a typical week. The usual alarm clock buzzing woke us up to start the day, and we hurried...