by Kim Rowland | Sep 8, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
As a teacher, I like the notorious child who makes it his or her mission to right the wrongs of others. This child, often known as a tattletale, can be a teacher’s best informant when no one else is talking. At first, the information offered by the tattletale...
by Kim Rowland | Aug 28, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
When my oldest son, Holt Rowland, decided that he wanted to play baseball, my husband made sure that he would have every opportunity to learn about the sport. We bought Holt a glove and ball, a bat, a batting helmet, cleats for his feet, and of course, those cool,...
by Kim Rowland | Aug 14, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
I learned a long time ago that I don’t have life figured out. If you ever, for one second, think that we, here at “The Holt Rowland Foundation blog,” have all the secrets to coping with life’s struggles figured out, you would be mistaken. When...
by Kim Rowland | Jul 19, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
I have a big imagination, and I’m pretty sure that I passed down my “big dreamer mentality” to both of my boys. It doesn’t bother me; I just love to hear them talk about doing things that are unimaginable. Even if I think their ideas sound, you...
by Kim Rowland | Jul 15, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
If I could describe this summer in one word, I would use the word, “Whew!” I have been so busy the last two weeks from enjoying my family to completing projects. Today, things finally slowed down a little, and I decided I would sit and try to write. So I...