Eternally Hopeful

Eternally Hopeful

Once I had the privilege of hearing Jennifer Rothschild at a Women of Faith conference. Jennifer is a well-known Christian author and speaker, and she has been blind since she was a teenager. Hearing her testimony of faith through literal dark circumstances was...

Becoming an Overcomer

My week of Thanksgiving vacation started off just as I anticipated. My list of projects readily in hand with energy to check them all off by the week’s end. Hunter said, “Vacation to Mama means time to work!” I laughed when he said it, but I had to...

We’ve Got Spirit, Yes We Do

My experiences with cheerleading started out in a discouraging way. When I was in middle school, I tried out to be a cheerleader. This was truly when cheerleaders were chosen to lead cheers. To try out, a girl had to do a jump, a cartwheel, a split, and a cheer....

Put me in Coach

Do you ever feel as though you are ready for a challenge? The “Rocky” theme song plays in your mind, and you honestly think, “Bring on the competition, I am ready to play!”  I have had those moments where I’m  feeling ready to conquer the...