by Kim Rowland | Jan 11, 2014 | Kim's Blogs
Well, the Rowlands made it! The holiday season is finally over, and once again, our family survived all the feelings that time of year brings. It never ceases to amaze me how God keeps bringing so many little surprises our way. Just when you think that life is boring...
by Kim Rowland | Dec 21, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
Once I had the privilege of hearing Jennifer Rothschild at a Women of Faith conference. Jennifer is a well-known Christian author and speaker, and she has been blind since she was a teenager. Hearing her testimony of faith through literal dark circumstances was...
by Kim Rowland | Dec 1, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
My week of Thanksgiving vacation started off just as I anticipated. My list of projects readily in hand with energy to check them all off by the week’s end. Hunter said, “Vacation to Mama means time to work!” I laughed when he said it, but I had to...
by Kim Rowland | Nov 22, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
My experiences with cheerleading started out in a discouraging way. When I was in middle school, I tried out to be a cheerleader. This was truly when cheerleaders were chosen to lead cheers. To try out, a girl had to do a jump, a cartwheel, a split, and a cheer....
by Kim Rowland | Nov 10, 2013 | Kim's Blogs
Do you ever feel as though you are ready for a challenge? The “Rocky” theme song plays in your mind, and you honestly think, “Bring on the competition, I am ready to play!” I have had those moments where I’m feeling ready to conquer the...