by Kim Rowland | Mar 22, 2014 | Kim's Blogs
One summer, I don’t know what possessed me, I decided that I was going to accelerate turning my two young sons into two young gentlemen. Now I know what you are thinking, what would make you think you could turn a normal seven year old and an eleven year old...
by Kim Rowland | Mar 9, 2014 | Kim's Blogs
A line in the sand, I’ve drawn one before. That symbolic line that says, “No more; I will not cross it.” Times when I think too much about life and wonder. Times when I have more questions than answers. Times when I just can’t get past the hurt...
by Kim Rowland | Feb 16, 2014 | Kim's Blogs
Looking out over the landscape of where we live, I see a lot of flat land. That is all well and good, but who doesn’t like to see the beauty of a horizon full of tall mountains? When our boys were younger, we would try to go snow skiing every winter. Talk about...
by Kim Rowland | Feb 6, 2014 | Kim's Blogs
You know you are behind the times when you want to write about something that happened around Christmas when it is almost Valentine’s Day. Nonetheless, that would describe me. Actually, a few days before Christmas I had this great idea for a blog. The...
by Kim Rowland | Jan 21, 2014 | Kim's Blogs
I have this good friend who makes fun of me. (Now, I know how wrong that sounds, but I know you have those friends too.) I think she makes fun of me because she is secretly jealous of one of my hidden talents. Ladies, you know how it is when your decorating tastes...