Why is it that we can pray and pray about something, telling God all our needs and worries. Then, when things turn out just like we have prayed, we act surprised. Why is that? Why are we so surprised when God shows up and shows up big?
Today is one of those days. For months, we have prayed and prayed over the second annual “The Holt Rowland Foundation” golf tournament. Our first tournament, held last October, turned out great, so why should I worry that our second tournament would be any different? I have prayed for the weather to be nice, for hole sponsors to participate, for golfers to play, for volunteers to work, and for everybody to have a good time. I am here to tell you that today, God answered my prayers, yet again. We had great weather, great food, great participation, great teams, great help, and another great time!!!
Thank you so much to our hole sponsors, golf players, and volunteers this year!!! It takes a pile of people to make a golf tournament successful, and we have been blessed to have such folks on our side. Thank you Conecuh Sausage and Bubba Burger for making our breakfast and lunch smell and taste so delicious!! Thank you Moon Pie for filling our sweet tooth, and thank you Pepsi for helping it all go down smoothly!!
On behalf of Holt Rowland and “The Holt Rowland Foundation,” thank you. Thank you friends, family, coworkers, church family, local businesses, and board members who played, volunteered, or donated in some way. Thank you to so many friends of Holt’s friends who came home this weekend to play, volunteer, or visit. Thank you for your part in making this day so successful and special.
I sit back at the end of this day, and I feel so blessed. Blessed that God answered every prayer and made this second tournament a success. Blessed that it was another great day in the life of our foundation. Blessed that Holt and Hunter Rowland are my sons. Blessed that God still continues to show up so big for little, old me.